Module ui.widgets.table
Customizations to tkintertable
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# pylint: skip-file
Customizations to tkintertable
import math
from tkinter import END, StringVar, Menu
from tkinter.ttk import Entry, OptionMenu
from tkcalendar import DateEntry
from tkintertable import TableCanvas, Formula
from lib.repository.validator import is_valid_against
class EmpDatTableCanvas(TableCanvas):
Override for TableCanvas
def __init__(self, *args, col_modifiers: dict = None, on_change=None,
on_unsaved=None, on_selected=None, **kwargs):
TableCanvas constructor
:param args: blanket passthrough
:param col_modifiers: dictionary modifying column entry
0: {
'read_only': True
1: {
'options': ['A', 'B', 'C"] # Options A, B, and C
2: {
'render_as': lambda X: Y # Render X as Y
:param on_change: callback called on every change
:param on_unsaved: callback called on every change, passes 1 parameter
on whether there are pending changes
:param on_selected: callback called on when a row is selected
:param kwargs: blanket passthrough
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.col_modifiers = col_modifiers
self.unsaved = set()
self.on_change = on_change
self.on_unsaved = on_unsaved
self.on_selected = on_selected
def drawText(self, row, col, celltxt, fgcolor=None, align=None):
"""Draw the text inside a cell area"""
col_name = self.model.getColumnName(col)
if col_name in self.col_modifiers and 'render_as' in self.col_modifiers[col_name]:
celltxt = self.col_modifiers[col_name]['render_as'](celltxt)
if len(celltxt) == 0 or celltxt == 'None':
celltxt = ''
self.delete('celltext' + str(col) + '_' + str(row))
h = self.rowheight
x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.getCellCoords(row, col)
w = x2 - x1
wrap = False
pad = 5
# If celltxt is a number then we make it a string
if type(celltxt) is float or type(celltxt) is int:
celltxt = str(celltxt)
length = len(celltxt)
if length == 0:
# if cell width is less than x, print nothing
if w <= 10:
if fgcolor == None or fgcolor == "None":
fgcolor = 'black'
if align == None:
align = 'w'
if align == 'w':
x1 = x1 - w / 2 + pad
elif align == 'e':
x1 = x1 + w / 2 - pad
if w < 18:
celltxt = '.'
fontsize = self.fontsize
colname = self.model.getColumnName(col)
# scaling between canvas and text normalised to about font 14
scale = 8.5 * float(fontsize) / 12
size = length * scale
if size > w:
newlength = w / scale
# print w, size, length, newlength
celltxt = celltxt[0:int(math.floor(newlength))]
# if celltxt is dict then we are drawing a hyperlink
if self.isLink(celltxt) == True:
haslink = 0
linktext = celltxt['text']
if len(linktext) > w / scale or w < 28:
linktext = linktext[0:int(w / fontsize * 1.2) - 2] + '..'
if celltxt['link'] != None and celltxt['link'] != '':
f, s = self.thefont
linkfont = (f, s, 'underline')
linkcolor = 'blue'
haslink = 1
linkfont = self.thefont
linkcolor = fgcolor
rect = self.create_text(x1 + w / 2, y1 + h / 2,
tag=('text', 'hlink', 'celltext' + str(col) + '_' + str(row)))
if haslink == 1:
self.tag_bind(rect, '<Double-Button-1>', self.check_hyperlink)
# just normal text
rect = self.create_text(x1 + w / 2, y1 + h / 2,
tag=('text', 'celltext' + str(col) + '_' + str(row)))
def drawCellEntry(self, row, col, text=None):
"""When the user single/double clicks on a text/number cell, bring up entry window"""
col_name = self.model.getColumnName(col)
if self.read_only or (col_name in self.col_modifiers and
'read_only' in self.col_modifiers[col_name]
and self.col_modifiers[col_name]['read_only']):
# absrow = self.get_AbsoluteRow(row)
height = self.rowheight
model = self.getModel()
cellvalue = self.model.getCellRecord(row, col)
if Formula.isFormula(cellvalue):
text = self.model.getValueAt(row, col)
if text == 'None':
text = ''
x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.getCellCoords(row, col)
w = x2 - x1
# Draw an entry window
txtvar = StringVar()
def callback(e):
value = txtvar.get()
if value == '=':
# do a dialog that gets the formula into a text area
# then they can click on the cells they want
# when done the user presses ok and its entered into the cell
# its all done here..
self.formula_Dialog(row, col)
coltype = self.model.getColumnType(col)
if coltype == 'number':
sta = self.checkDataEntry(e)
if sta == 1:
model.setValueAt(value, row, col)
elif coltype == 'text':
model.setValueAt(value, row, col)
color = self.model.getColorAt(row, col, 'fg')
self.drawText(row, col, value, color, align=self.align)
if not isinstance(e, str) and e.keysym == 'Return':
# self.drawRect(row, col)
# self.gotonextCell(e)
if self.on_change:
if len(self.unsaved) > 0:
self.on_unsaved(False, row, col)
self.on_unsaved(True, row, col)
is_required = True if col_name in self.col_modifiers and \
'required' in self.col_modifiers[col_name] else False
if col_name in self.col_modifiers and 'validator' in self.col_modifiers[col_name]:
if not is_required and value == '':
self.model.setColorAt(row, col, 'white')
self.redrawCell(row, col)
if callable(self.col_modifiers[col_name]['validator']):
if not self.col_modifiers[col_name]['validator'](value):
self.model.setColorAt(row, col, 'coral')
self.redrawCell(row, col)
if not is_valid_against(self.col_modifiers[col_name]['validator'], value):
self.model.setColorAt(row, col, 'coral')
self.redrawCell(row, col)
if col_name in self.col_modifiers and 'options' in self.col_modifiers[col_name]:
options = list(self.col_modifiers[col_name]['options'])
if cellvalue in options:
first = cellvalue
options.insert(0, first)
self.cellentry = OptionMenu(self.parentframe, txtvar, *options,
elif col_name in self.col_modifiers and 'date' in self.col_modifiers[col_name]:
self.cellentry = DateEntry(self.parentframe, width=20,
self.cellentry.bind('<<DateEntrySelected>>', callback)
self.cellentry = Entry(self.parentframe, width=20,
self.cellentry.selection_range(0, END)
except AttributeError:
self.cellentry.bind('<Return>', callback)
self.cellentry.bind('<KeyRelease>', callback)
self.entrywin = self.create_window(x1 + self.inset, y1 + self.inset,
width=w - self.inset * 2, height=height - self.inset * 2,
window=self.cellentry, anchor='nw',
def handle_left_click(self, event):
"""Respond to a single press"""
def popupMenu(self, event, rows=None, cols=None, outside=None):
"""Add left and right click behaviour for canvas, should not have to override
this function, it will take its values from defined dicts in constructor"""
defaultactions = {"Set Fill Color": lambda: self.setcellColor(rows, cols, key='bg'),
"Set Text Color": lambda: self.setcellColor(rows, cols, key='fg'),
"Copy": lambda: self.copyCell(rows, cols),
"Paste": lambda: self.pasteCell(rows, cols),
"Fill Down": lambda: self.fillDown(rows, cols),
"Fill Right": lambda: self.fillAcross(cols, rows),
"Add Row(s)": lambda: self.addRows(),
"Delete Row(s)": lambda: self.deleteRow(),
"View Record": lambda: self.getRecordInfo(row),
"Clear Data": lambda: self.deleteCells(rows, cols),
"Select All": self.select_All,
"Auto Fit Columns": self.autoResizeColumns,
"Filter Records": self.showFilteringBar,
"Load": self.load,
"Import text": self.importTable,
"Export csv": self.exportTable,
"Plot Selected": self.plotSelected,
"Plot Options": self.plotSetup,
"Export Table": self.exportTable,
"Preferences": self.showtablePrefs,
"Formulae->Value": lambda: self.convertFormulae(rows, cols)}
main = ["Set Fill Color", "Set Text Color", "Copy", "Paste", "Fill Down", "Fill Right",
"Clear Data"]
general = ["Select All", "Auto Fit Columns", "Filter Records", "Preferences"]
def createSubMenu(parent, label, commands):
menu = Menu(parent, tearoff=0)
popupmenu.add_cascade(label=label, menu=menu)
for action in commands:
menu.add_command(label=action, command=defaultactions[action])
return menu
def add_commands(fieldtype):
"""Add commands to popup menu for column type and specific cell"""
functions = self.columnactions[fieldtype]
for f in functions.keys():
func = getattr(self, functions[f])
popupmenu.add_command(label=f, command=lambda: func(row, col))
popupmenu = Menu(self, tearoff=0)
def popupFocusOut(event):
if outside == None:
# if outside table, just show general items
row = self.get_row_clicked(event)
col = self.get_col_clicked(event)
coltype = self.model.getColumnType(col)
def add_defaultcommands():
"""now add general actions for all cells"""
for action in main:
if action == 'Fill Down' and (rows == None or len(rows) <= 1):
if action == 'Fill Right' and (cols == None or len(cols) <= 1):
popupmenu.add_command(label=action, command=defaultactions[action])
if coltype in self.columnactions:
for action in general:
popupmenu.add_command(label=action, command=defaultactions[action])
# createSubMenu(popupmenu, 'File', filecommands)
# createSubMenu(popupmenu, 'Plot', plotcommands)
popupmenu.bind("<FocusOut>", popupFocusOut)
popupmenu.focus_set(), event.y_root)
return popupmenu
# def deleteRowByRecname(self, recname):
# """Delete a row"""
# row = self.get
# self.model.deleteRow(row)
# self.setSelectedRow(row-1)
# self.clearSelected()
# self.redrawTable()
class EmpDatTableCanvas (*args, col_modifiers: dict = None, on_change=None, on_unsaved=None, on_selected=None, **kwargs)
Override for TableCanvas
TableCanvas constructor :param args: blanket passthrough :param col_modifiers: dictionary modifying column entry Example: { 0: { 'read_only': True }, 1: { 'options': ['A', 'B', 'C"] # Options A, B, and C }, 2: { 'render_as': lambda X: Y # Render X as Y } } :param on_change: callback called on every change :param on_unsaved: callback called on every change, passes 1 parameter on whether there are pending changes :param on_selected: callback called on when a row is selected :param kwargs: blanket passthrough
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class EmpDatTableCanvas(TableCanvas): """ Override for TableCanvas """ def __init__(self, *args, col_modifiers: dict = None, on_change=None, on_unsaved=None, on_selected=None, **kwargs): """ TableCanvas constructor :param args: blanket passthrough :param col_modifiers: dictionary modifying column entry Example: { 0: { 'read_only': True }, 1: { 'options': ['A', 'B', 'C"] # Options A, B, and C }, 2: { 'render_as': lambda X: Y # Render X as Y } } :param on_change: callback called on every change :param on_unsaved: callback called on every change, passes 1 parameter on whether there are pending changes :param on_selected: callback called on when a row is selected :param kwargs: blanket passthrough """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.col_modifiers = col_modifiers self.unsaved = set() self.on_change = on_change self.on_unsaved = on_unsaved self.on_selected = on_selected def drawText(self, row, col, celltxt, fgcolor=None, align=None): """Draw the text inside a cell area""" col_name = self.model.getColumnName(col) if col_name in self.col_modifiers and 'render_as' in self.col_modifiers[col_name]: celltxt = self.col_modifiers[col_name]['render_as'](celltxt) if len(celltxt) == 0 or celltxt == 'None': celltxt = '' self.delete('celltext' + str(col) + '_' + str(row)) h = self.rowheight x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.getCellCoords(row, col) w = x2 - x1 wrap = False pad = 5 # If celltxt is a number then we make it a string if type(celltxt) is float or type(celltxt) is int: celltxt = str(celltxt) length = len(celltxt) if length == 0: return # if cell width is less than x, print nothing if w <= 10: return if fgcolor == None or fgcolor == "None": fgcolor = 'black' if align == None: align = 'w' if align == 'w': x1 = x1 - w / 2 + pad elif align == 'e': x1 = x1 + w / 2 - pad if w < 18: celltxt = '.' else: fontsize = self.fontsize colname = self.model.getColumnName(col) # scaling between canvas and text normalised to about font 14 scale = 8.5 * float(fontsize) / 12 size = length * scale if size > w: newlength = w / scale # print w, size, length, newlength celltxt = celltxt[0:int(math.floor(newlength))] # if celltxt is dict then we are drawing a hyperlink if self.isLink(celltxt) == True: haslink = 0 linktext = celltxt['text'] if len(linktext) > w / scale or w < 28: linktext = linktext[0:int(w / fontsize * 1.2) - 2] + '..' if celltxt['link'] != None and celltxt['link'] != '': f, s = self.thefont linkfont = (f, s, 'underline') linkcolor = 'blue' haslink = 1 else: linkfont = self.thefont linkcolor = fgcolor rect = self.create_text(x1 + w / 2, y1 + h / 2, text=linktext, fill=linkcolor, font=linkfont, tag=('text', 'hlink', 'celltext' + str(col) + '_' + str(row))) if haslink == 1: self.tag_bind(rect, '<Double-Button-1>', self.check_hyperlink) # just normal text else: rect = self.create_text(x1 + w / 2, y1 + h / 2, text=celltxt, fill=fgcolor, font=self.thefont, anchor=align, tag=('text', 'celltext' + str(col) + '_' + str(row))) return def drawCellEntry(self, row, col, text=None): """When the user single/double clicks on a text/number cell, bring up entry window""" col_name = self.model.getColumnName(col) if self.read_only or (col_name in self.col_modifiers and 'read_only' in self.col_modifiers[col_name] and self.col_modifiers[col_name]['read_only']): return # absrow = self.get_AbsoluteRow(row) height = self.rowheight model = self.getModel() cellvalue = self.model.getCellRecord(row, col) if Formula.isFormula(cellvalue): return else: text = self.model.getValueAt(row, col) if text == 'None': text = '' x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.getCellCoords(row, col) w = x2 - x1 # Draw an entry window txtvar = StringVar() txtvar.set(text) def callback(e): value = txtvar.get() if value == '=': # do a dialog that gets the formula into a text area # then they can click on the cells they want # when done the user presses ok and its entered into the cell self.cellentry.destroy() # its all done here.. self.formula_Dialog(row, col) return coltype = self.model.getColumnType(col) if coltype == 'number': sta = self.checkDataEntry(e) if sta == 1: self.unsaved.add(self.model.getRecName(row)) model.setValueAt(value, row, col) elif coltype == 'text': self.unsaved.add(self.model.getRecName(row)) model.setValueAt(value, row, col) color = self.model.getColorAt(row, col, 'fg') self.drawText(row, col, value, color, align=self.align) if not isinstance(e, str) and e.keysym == 'Return': self.delete('entry') # self.drawRect(row, col) # self.gotonextCell(e) if self.on_change: self.on_change() if len(self.unsaved) > 0: self.on_unsaved(False, row, col) else: self.on_unsaved(True, row, col) is_required = True if col_name in self.col_modifiers and \ 'required' in self.col_modifiers[col_name] else False if col_name in self.col_modifiers and 'validator' in self.col_modifiers[col_name]: if not is_required and value == '': self.model.setColorAt(row, col, 'white') self.redrawCell(row, col) return if callable(self.col_modifiers[col_name]['validator']): if not self.col_modifiers[col_name]['validator'](value): self.model.setColorAt(row, col, 'coral') self.redrawCell(row, col) else: if not is_valid_against(self.col_modifiers[col_name]['validator'], value): self.model.setColorAt(row, col, 'coral') self.redrawCell(row, col) return if col_name in self.col_modifiers and 'options' in self.col_modifiers[col_name]: options = list(self.col_modifiers[col_name]['options']) if cellvalue in options: first = cellvalue options.remove(first) options.insert(0, first) self.cellentry = OptionMenu(self.parentframe, txtvar, *options, command=callback) elif col_name in self.col_modifiers and 'date' in self.col_modifiers[col_name]: self.cellentry = DateEntry(self.parentframe, width=20, textvariable=txtvar, takefocus=1, font=self.thefont) self.cellentry.bind('<<DateEntrySelected>>', callback) else: self.cellentry = Entry(self.parentframe, width=20, textvariable=txtvar, takefocus=1, font=self.thefont) self.cellentry.selection_range(0, END) try: self.cellentry.icursor(END) except AttributeError: pass self.cellentry.bind('<Return>', callback) self.cellentry.bind('<KeyRelease>', callback) self.cellentry.focus_set() self.entrywin = self.create_window(x1 + self.inset, y1 + self.inset, width=w - self.inset * 2, height=height - self.inset * 2, window=self.cellentry, anchor='nw', tag='entry') return def handle_left_click(self, event): """Respond to a single press""" self.on_selected() super().handle_left_click(event) def popupMenu(self, event, rows=None, cols=None, outside=None): """Add left and right click behaviour for canvas, should not have to override this function, it will take its values from defined dicts in constructor""" defaultactions = {"Set Fill Color": lambda: self.setcellColor(rows, cols, key='bg'), "Set Text Color": lambda: self.setcellColor(rows, cols, key='fg'), "Copy": lambda: self.copyCell(rows, cols), "Paste": lambda: self.pasteCell(rows, cols), "Fill Down": lambda: self.fillDown(rows, cols), "Fill Right": lambda: self.fillAcross(cols, rows), "Add Row(s)": lambda: self.addRows(), "Delete Row(s)": lambda: self.deleteRow(), "View Record": lambda: self.getRecordInfo(row), "Clear Data": lambda: self.deleteCells(rows, cols), "Select All": self.select_All, "Auto Fit Columns": self.autoResizeColumns, "Filter Records": self.showFilteringBar, "New":, "Load": self.load, "Save":, "Import text": self.importTable, "Export csv": self.exportTable, "Plot Selected": self.plotSelected, "Plot Options": self.plotSetup, "Export Table": self.exportTable, "Preferences": self.showtablePrefs, "Formulae->Value": lambda: self.convertFormulae(rows, cols)} main = ["Set Fill Color", "Set Text Color", "Copy", "Paste", "Fill Down", "Fill Right", "Clear Data"] general = ["Select All", "Auto Fit Columns", "Filter Records", "Preferences"] def createSubMenu(parent, label, commands): menu = Menu(parent, tearoff=0) popupmenu.add_cascade(label=label, menu=menu) for action in commands: menu.add_command(label=action, command=defaultactions[action]) return menu def add_commands(fieldtype): """Add commands to popup menu for column type and specific cell""" functions = self.columnactions[fieldtype] for f in functions.keys(): func = getattr(self, functions[f]) popupmenu.add_command(label=f, command=lambda: func(row, col)) return popupmenu = Menu(self, tearoff=0) def popupFocusOut(event): popupmenu.unpost() if outside == None: # if outside table, just show general items row = self.get_row_clicked(event) col = self.get_col_clicked(event) coltype = self.model.getColumnType(col) def add_defaultcommands(): """now add general actions for all cells""" for action in main: if action == 'Fill Down' and (rows == None or len(rows) <= 1): continue if action == 'Fill Right' and (cols == None or len(cols) <= 1): continue else: popupmenu.add_command(label=action, command=defaultactions[action]) return if coltype in self.columnactions: add_commands(coltype) add_defaultcommands() for action in general: popupmenu.add_command(label=action, command=defaultactions[action]) popupmenu.add_separator() # createSubMenu(popupmenu, 'File', filecommands) # createSubMenu(popupmenu, 'Plot', plotcommands) popupmenu.bind("<FocusOut>", popupFocusOut) popupmenu.focus_set(), event.y_root) return popupmenu
- tkintertable.Tables.TableCanvas
- tkinter.Canvas
- tkinter.Widget
- tkinter.BaseWidget
- tkinter.Misc
- tkinter.Pack
- tkinter.Place
- tkinter.Grid
- tkinter.XView
- tkinter.YView
def drawCellEntry(self, row, col, text=None)
When the user single/double clicks on a text/number cell, bring up entry window
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def drawCellEntry(self, row, col, text=None): """When the user single/double clicks on a text/number cell, bring up entry window""" col_name = self.model.getColumnName(col) if self.read_only or (col_name in self.col_modifiers and 'read_only' in self.col_modifiers[col_name] and self.col_modifiers[col_name]['read_only']): return # absrow = self.get_AbsoluteRow(row) height = self.rowheight model = self.getModel() cellvalue = self.model.getCellRecord(row, col) if Formula.isFormula(cellvalue): return else: text = self.model.getValueAt(row, col) if text == 'None': text = '' x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.getCellCoords(row, col) w = x2 - x1 # Draw an entry window txtvar = StringVar() txtvar.set(text) def callback(e): value = txtvar.get() if value == '=': # do a dialog that gets the formula into a text area # then they can click on the cells they want # when done the user presses ok and its entered into the cell self.cellentry.destroy() # its all done here.. self.formula_Dialog(row, col) return coltype = self.model.getColumnType(col) if coltype == 'number': sta = self.checkDataEntry(e) if sta == 1: self.unsaved.add(self.model.getRecName(row)) model.setValueAt(value, row, col) elif coltype == 'text': self.unsaved.add(self.model.getRecName(row)) model.setValueAt(value, row, col) color = self.model.getColorAt(row, col, 'fg') self.drawText(row, col, value, color, align=self.align) if not isinstance(e, str) and e.keysym == 'Return': self.delete('entry') # self.drawRect(row, col) # self.gotonextCell(e) if self.on_change: self.on_change() if len(self.unsaved) > 0: self.on_unsaved(False, row, col) else: self.on_unsaved(True, row, col) is_required = True if col_name in self.col_modifiers and \ 'required' in self.col_modifiers[col_name] else False if col_name in self.col_modifiers and 'validator' in self.col_modifiers[col_name]: if not is_required and value == '': self.model.setColorAt(row, col, 'white') self.redrawCell(row, col) return if callable(self.col_modifiers[col_name]['validator']): if not self.col_modifiers[col_name]['validator'](value): self.model.setColorAt(row, col, 'coral') self.redrawCell(row, col) else: if not is_valid_against(self.col_modifiers[col_name]['validator'], value): self.model.setColorAt(row, col, 'coral') self.redrawCell(row, col) return if col_name in self.col_modifiers and 'options' in self.col_modifiers[col_name]: options = list(self.col_modifiers[col_name]['options']) if cellvalue in options: first = cellvalue options.remove(first) options.insert(0, first) self.cellentry = OptionMenu(self.parentframe, txtvar, *options, command=callback) elif col_name in self.col_modifiers and 'date' in self.col_modifiers[col_name]: self.cellentry = DateEntry(self.parentframe, width=20, textvariable=txtvar, takefocus=1, font=self.thefont) self.cellentry.bind('<<DateEntrySelected>>', callback) else: self.cellentry = Entry(self.parentframe, width=20, textvariable=txtvar, takefocus=1, font=self.thefont) self.cellentry.selection_range(0, END) try: self.cellentry.icursor(END) except AttributeError: pass self.cellentry.bind('<Return>', callback) self.cellentry.bind('<KeyRelease>', callback) self.cellentry.focus_set() self.entrywin = self.create_window(x1 + self.inset, y1 + self.inset, width=w - self.inset * 2, height=height - self.inset * 2, window=self.cellentry, anchor='nw', tag='entry') return
def drawText(self, row, col, celltxt, fgcolor=None, align=None)
Draw the text inside a cell area
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def drawText(self, row, col, celltxt, fgcolor=None, align=None): """Draw the text inside a cell area""" col_name = self.model.getColumnName(col) if col_name in self.col_modifiers and 'render_as' in self.col_modifiers[col_name]: celltxt = self.col_modifiers[col_name]['render_as'](celltxt) if len(celltxt) == 0 or celltxt == 'None': celltxt = '' self.delete('celltext' + str(col) + '_' + str(row)) h = self.rowheight x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.getCellCoords(row, col) w = x2 - x1 wrap = False pad = 5 # If celltxt is a number then we make it a string if type(celltxt) is float or type(celltxt) is int: celltxt = str(celltxt) length = len(celltxt) if length == 0: return # if cell width is less than x, print nothing if w <= 10: return if fgcolor == None or fgcolor == "None": fgcolor = 'black' if align == None: align = 'w' if align == 'w': x1 = x1 - w / 2 + pad elif align == 'e': x1 = x1 + w / 2 - pad if w < 18: celltxt = '.' else: fontsize = self.fontsize colname = self.model.getColumnName(col) # scaling between canvas and text normalised to about font 14 scale = 8.5 * float(fontsize) / 12 size = length * scale if size > w: newlength = w / scale # print w, size, length, newlength celltxt = celltxt[0:int(math.floor(newlength))] # if celltxt is dict then we are drawing a hyperlink if self.isLink(celltxt) == True: haslink = 0 linktext = celltxt['text'] if len(linktext) > w / scale or w < 28: linktext = linktext[0:int(w / fontsize * 1.2) - 2] + '..' if celltxt['link'] != None and celltxt['link'] != '': f, s = self.thefont linkfont = (f, s, 'underline') linkcolor = 'blue' haslink = 1 else: linkfont = self.thefont linkcolor = fgcolor rect = self.create_text(x1 + w / 2, y1 + h / 2, text=linktext, fill=linkcolor, font=linkfont, tag=('text', 'hlink', 'celltext' + str(col) + '_' + str(row))) if haslink == 1: self.tag_bind(rect, '<Double-Button-1>', self.check_hyperlink) # just normal text else: rect = self.create_text(x1 + w / 2, y1 + h / 2, text=celltxt, fill=fgcolor, font=self.thefont, anchor=align, tag=('text', 'celltext' + str(col) + '_' + str(row))) return
def handle_left_click(self, event)
Respond to a single press
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def handle_left_click(self, event): """Respond to a single press""" self.on_selected() super().handle_left_click(event)
def popupMenu(self, event, rows=None, cols=None, outside=None)
Add left and right click behaviour for canvas, should not have to override this function, it will take its values from defined dicts in constructor
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def popupMenu(self, event, rows=None, cols=None, outside=None): """Add left and right click behaviour for canvas, should not have to override this function, it will take its values from defined dicts in constructor""" defaultactions = {"Set Fill Color": lambda: self.setcellColor(rows, cols, key='bg'), "Set Text Color": lambda: self.setcellColor(rows, cols, key='fg'), "Copy": lambda: self.copyCell(rows, cols), "Paste": lambda: self.pasteCell(rows, cols), "Fill Down": lambda: self.fillDown(rows, cols), "Fill Right": lambda: self.fillAcross(cols, rows), "Add Row(s)": lambda: self.addRows(), "Delete Row(s)": lambda: self.deleteRow(), "View Record": lambda: self.getRecordInfo(row), "Clear Data": lambda: self.deleteCells(rows, cols), "Select All": self.select_All, "Auto Fit Columns": self.autoResizeColumns, "Filter Records": self.showFilteringBar, "New":, "Load": self.load, "Save":, "Import text": self.importTable, "Export csv": self.exportTable, "Plot Selected": self.plotSelected, "Plot Options": self.plotSetup, "Export Table": self.exportTable, "Preferences": self.showtablePrefs, "Formulae->Value": lambda: self.convertFormulae(rows, cols)} main = ["Set Fill Color", "Set Text Color", "Copy", "Paste", "Fill Down", "Fill Right", "Clear Data"] general = ["Select All", "Auto Fit Columns", "Filter Records", "Preferences"] def createSubMenu(parent, label, commands): menu = Menu(parent, tearoff=0) popupmenu.add_cascade(label=label, menu=menu) for action in commands: menu.add_command(label=action, command=defaultactions[action]) return menu def add_commands(fieldtype): """Add commands to popup menu for column type and specific cell""" functions = self.columnactions[fieldtype] for f in functions.keys(): func = getattr(self, functions[f]) popupmenu.add_command(label=f, command=lambda: func(row, col)) return popupmenu = Menu(self, tearoff=0) def popupFocusOut(event): popupmenu.unpost() if outside == None: # if outside table, just show general items row = self.get_row_clicked(event) col = self.get_col_clicked(event) coltype = self.model.getColumnType(col) def add_defaultcommands(): """now add general actions for all cells""" for action in main: if action == 'Fill Down' and (rows == None or len(rows) <= 1): continue if action == 'Fill Right' and (cols == None or len(cols) <= 1): continue else: popupmenu.add_command(label=action, command=defaultactions[action]) return if coltype in self.columnactions: add_commands(coltype) add_defaultcommands() for action in general: popupmenu.add_command(label=action, command=defaultactions[action]) popupmenu.add_separator() # createSubMenu(popupmenu, 'File', filecommands) # createSubMenu(popupmenu, 'Plot', plotcommands) popupmenu.bind("<FocusOut>", popupFocusOut) popupmenu.focus_set(), event.y_root) return popupmenu