Module ui.window.dialogs.add_receipt

View for Adding Receipts

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View for Adding Receipts
from tkinter import StringVar, RIGHT
from tkinter.ttk import Label, Entry, Button

from ui.widgets.employee_picker import EmployeePicker
from ui.window import TkinterDialog

class AddReceiptDialog(TkinterDialog):
    Dialog for Adding Receipts

    def __init__(self, event_handlers, employees):
        Shows the employee picker and an amount

        :param event_handlers: Expects 'save'
        :param employees: list of valid employees

        # Employee Picker
        self.emp_label = Label(self, text="Employee:")
        self.emp_label.grid(column=0, row=0)
        self.employee_selected = StringVar(self)
        self.employee_picker = EmployeePicker(self, self.employee_selected, employees)
        self.employee_picker.grid(column=1, row=0)

        # Amount
        self.amount_lbl = Label(self, text="Total Sale:")
        self.amount_lbl.grid(column=0, row=1)
        validator = (self.register(self.validate), '%d', '%s', '%S')
        # ---------------------------------------- action, val_before, char_to_change
        self.amount = Entry(self, validate='key', validatecommand=validator, justify=RIGHT)
        self.amount.grid(column=1, row=1)

        # Actions
        self.save_btn = Button(self, text="Save",
                               command=lambda: self.event_handlers['save'](
        self.save_btn.grid(column=0, row=2)
        self.cancel_btn = Button(self, text="Cancel", command=self.destroy)
        self.cancel_btn.grid(column=1, row=2)

        self.master.bind('<Return>', lambda: self.event_handlers['save'](

    def validate(self, action: str, val_before: str, char_to_change: str):
        Validates the receipt field. See tkinter validators for more info

        :param action: 0 is deletion, 1 is addition, -1 is something else
        :param val_before: value before change
        :param char_to_change: character to add or delete
        :return: bool is_valid
        if int(action) == 0:
            return True

        # Check for numbers
        if char_to_change in ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']:
            return True

        # Do check if a . is in there
        if '.' not in val_before and char_to_change == '.':
            return True

        # Its wronnnngggg
        self.bell()  # .bell() plays that ding sound telling you there was invalid input
        return False


class AddReceiptDialog (event_handlers, employees)

Dialog for Adding Receipts

Shows the employee picker and an amount

:param event_handlers: Expects 'save' :param employees: list of valid employees

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class AddReceiptDialog(TkinterDialog):
    Dialog for Adding Receipts

    def __init__(self, event_handlers, employees):
        Shows the employee picker and an amount

        :param event_handlers: Expects 'save'
        :param employees: list of valid employees

        # Employee Picker
        self.emp_label = Label(self, text="Employee:")
        self.emp_label.grid(column=0, row=0)
        self.employee_selected = StringVar(self)
        self.employee_picker = EmployeePicker(self, self.employee_selected, employees)
        self.employee_picker.grid(column=1, row=0)

        # Amount
        self.amount_lbl = Label(self, text="Total Sale:")
        self.amount_lbl.grid(column=0, row=1)
        validator = (self.register(self.validate), '%d', '%s', '%S')
        # ---------------------------------------- action, val_before, char_to_change
        self.amount = Entry(self, validate='key', validatecommand=validator, justify=RIGHT)
        self.amount.grid(column=1, row=1)

        # Actions
        self.save_btn = Button(self, text="Save",
                               command=lambda: self.event_handlers['save'](
        self.save_btn.grid(column=0, row=2)
        self.cancel_btn = Button(self, text="Cancel", command=self.destroy)
        self.cancel_btn.grid(column=1, row=2)

        self.master.bind('<Return>', lambda: self.event_handlers['save'](

    def validate(self, action: str, val_before: str, char_to_change: str):
        Validates the receipt field. See tkinter validators for more info

        :param action: 0 is deletion, 1 is addition, -1 is something else
        :param val_before: value before change
        :param char_to_change: character to add or delete
        :return: bool is_valid
        if int(action) == 0:
            return True

        # Check for numbers
        if char_to_change in ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']:
            return True

        # Do check if a . is in there
        if '.' not in val_before and char_to_change == '.':
            return True

        # Its wronnnngggg
        self.bell()  # .bell() plays that ding sound telling you there was invalid input
        return False



def validate(self, action: str, val_before: str, char_to_change: str)

Validates the receipt field. See tkinter validators for more info

:param action: 0 is deletion, 1 is addition, -1 is something else :param val_before: value before change :param char_to_change: character to add or delete :return: bool is_valid

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def validate(self, action: str, val_before: str, char_to_change: str):
    Validates the receipt field. See tkinter validators for more info

    :param action: 0 is deletion, 1 is addition, -1 is something else
    :param val_before: value before change
    :param char_to_change: character to add or delete
    :return: bool is_valid
    if int(action) == 0:
        return True

    # Check for numbers
    if char_to_change in ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']:
        return True

    # Do check if a . is in there
    if '.' not in val_before and char_to_change == '.':
        return True

    # Its wronnnngggg
    self.bell()  # .bell() plays that ding sound telling you there was invalid input
    return False

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