Module lib.repository

Repository types reside in this module

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Repository types reside in this module
from abc import abstractmethod

layers = []

def _call_layers(action, repo_cls, model_id=None, new_model=None, id_attr='id'):  # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
    Utility method to call all layers

    Pylint: too-many-branches disabled because a dictionary dispatch system would not work here.
    :param action: str. Identifies what layer action to take
    :param repo_cls: The repository class where the action is done.
    :param model_id: Optional. ID desired
    :param new_model: Optional. If a new model is made or read, this is handed to the layer method
    :param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id')
    :return: None
    if model_id is not None and new_model is not None:
        raise ValueError('Either model_id or new_model needs to be specified!')

    if action == 'create':
        for layer in layers:
            layer.on_create(repo_cls, new_model)
    if action == 'read_one':
        for layer in layers:
            layer.on_read_one(repo_cls, new_model)
    if action == 'read_many':
        for model in new_model:
            for layer in layers:
                layer.on_read_one(repo_cls, model)
    if action == 'update':
        for layer in layers:
            layer.on_update(repo_cls, new_model, id_attr=id_attr)
    if action == 'destroy':
        for layer in layers:
            layer.on_destroy(repo_cls, model_id, id_attr=id_attr)
        raise ValueError('Invalid action specified')

class CanMutateData:
    Attribute for Repositories that allow for data mutation after reading

    def after_read(cls, model_read):
        Called after a model is read
        :param model_read: the model object read from data source
        :return: raises Exception if interrupt is desired
        raise NotImplementedError

    def after_read_many(cls, models_read):
        Called after many models are read
        :param models_read: model objects read from data source
        :return: raises Exception if interrupt is desired
        raise NotImplementedError

class Repository(CanMutateData):
    Base Repository Class for basic CRUD operations
    id_attr: str = 'id'

    def on_create(cls, model):
        Calls the on_create method on all registered layers

        Repository implementations MUST call this manually, as layers
        are an opt-in process
        :param model: model newly created
        :return: None
        _call_layers('create', cls, new_model=model)

    def on_update(cls, model):
        Calls the on_update method on all registered layers

        Repository implementations MUST call this manually, as layers
        are an opt-in process
        :param model: model newly updated
        :return: None
        _call_layers('update', cls, new_model=model, id_attr=cls.id_attr)

    def on_destroy(cls, model_id):
        Calls the on_destroy method on all registered layers

        Repository implementations MUST call this manually, as layers
        are an opt-in process
        :param model_id: ID of deleted model (or to-be deleted)
        :return: None
        _call_layers('destroy', cls, model_id=model_id, id_attr=cls.id_attr)

    def create(cls, model):
        Creates the model in the data sink of choice
        :param model: instance with data
        :return: model
        raise NotImplementedError

    def read(cls, model_id):
        Read a single Model by it's ID
        :param model_id: model ID
        :param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id')
        :return: model
        raise NotImplementedError

    def read_by(cls, filters=None):
        Reads all models that fit into the filters
        :return: list of models
        raise NotImplementedError

    def read_all(cls):
        Reads all models
        :return: list of models
        raise NotImplementedError

    def update(cls, model):
        Uses the 'id' column to update the model
        :param model: model instance
        :return: model
        raise NotImplementedError

    def destroy(cls, model_id):
        Deletes the model from the data sink
        :param model_id: model's ID to destroy
        :return: None
        raise NotImplementedError

    def after_read(cls, model_read):
        _call_layers('read_one', cls, new_model=model_read, id_attr=cls.id_attr)

    def after_read_many(cls, models_read):
        _call_layers('read_many', cls, new_model=models_read)

    def resource_uri(cls):
        This is a helper to make the table/file/URI name more obvious.

        For example, the table() function in a DatabaseRepo should use
        this property to find the table name
        :return: Resource URI
        raise AttributeError('resource_uri: No resource URI set!')



Database Repository with helper methods for setup


Contains all the validation logic for the backend


class CanMutateData

Attribute for Repositories that allow for data mutation after reading

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class CanMutateData:
    Attribute for Repositories that allow for data mutation after reading

    def after_read(cls, model_read):
        Called after a model is read
        :param model_read: the model object read from data source
        :return: raises Exception if interrupt is desired
        raise NotImplementedError

    def after_read_many(cls, models_read):
        Called after many models are read
        :param models_read: model objects read from data source
        :return: raises Exception if interrupt is desired
        raise NotImplementedError


Static methods

def after_read(model_read)

Called after a model is read :param model_read: the model object read from data source :return: raises Exception if interrupt is desired

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def after_read(cls, model_read):
    Called after a model is read
    :param model_read: the model object read from data source
    :return: raises Exception if interrupt is desired
    raise NotImplementedError
def after_read_many(models_read)

Called after many models are read :param models_read: model objects read from data source :return: raises Exception if interrupt is desired

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def after_read_many(cls, models_read):
    Called after many models are read
    :param models_read: model objects read from data source
    :return: raises Exception if interrupt is desired
    raise NotImplementedError
class Repository

Base Repository Class for basic CRUD operations

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class Repository(CanMutateData):
    Base Repository Class for basic CRUD operations
    id_attr: str = 'id'

    def on_create(cls, model):
        Calls the on_create method on all registered layers

        Repository implementations MUST call this manually, as layers
        are an opt-in process
        :param model: model newly created
        :return: None
        _call_layers('create', cls, new_model=model)

    def on_update(cls, model):
        Calls the on_update method on all registered layers

        Repository implementations MUST call this manually, as layers
        are an opt-in process
        :param model: model newly updated
        :return: None
        _call_layers('update', cls, new_model=model, id_attr=cls.id_attr)

    def on_destroy(cls, model_id):
        Calls the on_destroy method on all registered layers

        Repository implementations MUST call this manually, as layers
        are an opt-in process
        :param model_id: ID of deleted model (or to-be deleted)
        :return: None
        _call_layers('destroy', cls, model_id=model_id, id_attr=cls.id_attr)

    def create(cls, model):
        Creates the model in the data sink of choice
        :param model: instance with data
        :return: model
        raise NotImplementedError

    def read(cls, model_id):
        Read a single Model by it's ID
        :param model_id: model ID
        :param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id')
        :return: model
        raise NotImplementedError

    def read_by(cls, filters=None):
        Reads all models that fit into the filters
        :return: list of models
        raise NotImplementedError

    def read_all(cls):
        Reads all models
        :return: list of models
        raise NotImplementedError

    def update(cls, model):
        Uses the 'id' column to update the model
        :param model: model instance
        :return: model
        raise NotImplementedError

    def destroy(cls, model_id):
        Deletes the model from the data sink
        :param model_id: model's ID to destroy
        :return: None
        raise NotImplementedError

    def after_read(cls, model_read):
        _call_layers('read_one', cls, new_model=model_read, id_attr=cls.id_attr)

    def after_read_many(cls, models_read):
        _call_layers('read_many', cls, new_model=models_read)

    def resource_uri(cls):
        This is a helper to make the table/file/URI name more obvious.

        For example, the table() function in a DatabaseRepo should use
        this property to find the table name
        :return: Resource URI
        raise AttributeError('resource_uri: No resource URI set!')



Class variables

var id_attr : str

Static methods

def create(model)

Creates the model in the data sink of choice :param model: instance with data :return: model

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def create(cls, model):
    Creates the model in the data sink of choice
    :param model: instance with data
    :return: model
    raise NotImplementedError
def destroy(model_id)

Deletes the model from the data sink :param model_id: model's ID to destroy :return: None

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def destroy(cls, model_id):
    Deletes the model from the data sink
    :param model_id: model's ID to destroy
    :return: None
    raise NotImplementedError
def on_create(model)

Calls the on_create method on all registered layers

Repository implementations MUST call this manually, as layers are an opt-in process :param model: model newly created :return: None

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def on_create(cls, model):
    Calls the on_create method on all registered layers

    Repository implementations MUST call this manually, as layers
    are an opt-in process
    :param model: model newly created
    :return: None
    _call_layers('create', cls, new_model=model)
def on_destroy(model_id)

Calls the on_destroy method on all registered layers

Repository implementations MUST call this manually, as layers are an opt-in process :param model_id: ID of deleted model (or to-be deleted) :return: None

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def on_destroy(cls, model_id):
    Calls the on_destroy method on all registered layers

    Repository implementations MUST call this manually, as layers
    are an opt-in process
    :param model_id: ID of deleted model (or to-be deleted)
    :return: None
    _call_layers('destroy', cls, model_id=model_id, id_attr=cls.id_attr)
def on_update(model)

Calls the on_update method on all registered layers

Repository implementations MUST call this manually, as layers are an opt-in process :param model: model newly updated :return: None

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def on_update(cls, model):
    Calls the on_update method on all registered layers

    Repository implementations MUST call this manually, as layers
    are an opt-in process
    :param model: model newly updated
    :return: None
    _call_layers('update', cls, new_model=model, id_attr=cls.id_attr)
def read(model_id)

Read a single Model by it's ID :param model_id: model ID :param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id') :return: model

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def read(cls, model_id):
    Read a single Model by it's ID
    :param model_id: model ID
    :param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id')
    :return: model
    raise NotImplementedError
def read_all()

Reads all models :return: list of models

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def read_all(cls):
    Reads all models
    :return: list of models
    raise NotImplementedError
def read_by(filters=None)

Reads all models that fit into the filters :return: list of models

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def read_by(cls, filters=None):
    Reads all models that fit into the filters
    :return: list of models
    raise NotImplementedError
def update(model)

Uses the 'id' column to update the model :param model: model instance :return: model

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def update(cls, model):
    Uses the 'id' column to update the model
    :param model: model instance
    :return: model
    raise NotImplementedError

Instance variables

var resource_uri

classmethod(function) -> method

Convert a function to be a class method.

A class method receives the class as implicit first argument, just like an instance method receives the instance. To declare a class method, use this idiom:

class C: @classmethod def f(cls, arg1, arg2, …): …

It can be called either on the class (e.g. C.f()) or on an instance (e.g. C().f()). The instance is ignored except for its class. If a class method is called for a derived class, the derived class object is passed as the implied first argument.

Class methods are different than C++ or Java static methods. If you want those, see the staticmethod builtin.

Inherited members