Module lib.repository.db
Database Repository with helper methods for setup
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Database Repository with helper methods for setup
import datetime
from abc import abstractmethod
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, select, Table
from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine
from lib.model import database_models
from lib.repository import Repository
from lib.repository.validator import HasValidation
def database_setup(config):
This statically configures the ORM and database schema
:param config: dict
:return: None
DatabaseRepository.engine = create_engine(config['DB_URL'], echo=False)
DatabaseRepository.url = config['DB_URL']
DatabaseRepository.metadata = MetaData(DatabaseRepository.engine)
for model in database_models:
class DatabaseRepository(Repository, HasValidation):
A SQL implementation of the Repository class
url: str
metadata: MetaData
engine: Engine
def __init__(self, has_timestamps=True):
self._has_timestamps = has_timestamps
if has_timestamps and not getattr(self, 'created_at', None):
self.created_at =
if has_timestamps and not getattr(self, 'modified_at', None):
self.modified_at =
def _open_connection(cls):
Used by CRUD methods. This opens a connection with the database
:return: connection instance
return DatabaseRepository.engine.connect()
def to_dict(self):
Used by CRUD methods. The model needs to define what is to be stored in the database
:return: dict
raise NotImplementedError
def table(cls, metadata=MetaData()) -> Table:
Table definition for the Repository
WARNING: The id field must be named 'id'
:param metadata: sqlalchemy MetaData object
:return: sqlalchemy Table object
raise NotImplementedError
def create(cls, model):
Performs an INSERT
:param model: instance
:param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id'). Matches to column
:return: model instance
connection = cls._open_connection()
statement = cls.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata).insert().values(**model.to_dict())
result = connection.execute(statement)
setattr(model, cls.id_attr, result.inserted_primary_key[0])
inserted =, cls.id_attr))
return inserted
def read(cls, model_id):
Performs a SELECT * WHERE id = model_id given
:param model_id: ID of model
:param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id'). Matches to column
:return: model
connection = cls._open_connection()
table = cls.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata)
statement = select([table]).where(table.c[cls.id_attr] == model_id)
result = connection.execute(statement)
# Converts the result proxy into a dictionary and an array of values only
# data, values = {}, []
data = {}
rowcount = 0
for rowproxy in result:
# rowproxy.items() returns an array like [(key0, value0), (key1, value1)]
for column, value in rowproxy.items():
# build up the dictionary
data = {**data, **{column: value}}
# values.append(data)
rowcount += 1
if rowcount > 0:
model = cls(data) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args
model = None
return model
def read_by(cls, filters=None, as_dict=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
Performs a SELECT * WHERE filterKey (=) filterValue given
:param filters: dictionary of fields and their filters
filters = {
'first_name': 'john_doe', # first_name = 'john_doe'
'age': [('>', 5)], # age > 5
'number_of_corn': [('>=', 5), ('<', 10)] # 5 >= number_of_corn < 10
:param as_dict: Return results as dictionary with the `id_attr` as the key
:return: all rows that fit filter criteria
if filters is None:
return cls.read_all()
connection = cls._open_connection()
table = cls.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata)
statement = select([table])
for column, value in filters.items():
if isinstance(value, list):
statement = DatabaseRepository._convert_comparator(statement, table, column, value)
statement = statement.where(table.c[column] == value)
result = connection.execute(statement)
model_dicts = result.fetchall() if result is not None else None
if as_dict:
models = {}
if model_dicts is not None:
for raw in model_dicts:
models[raw[cls.id_attr]] = cls(dict(raw)) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args
return models
models = []
if model_dicts is not None:
for raw in model_dicts:
models.append(cls(dict(raw))) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args
return models
def read_all(cls, as_dict=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
Performs a SELECT * on the entire table
:param as_dict: Return results as dictionary with the `id_attr` as the key
:return: all rows
connection = cls._open_connection()
table = cls.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata)
statement = select([table])
result = connection.execute(statement)
model_dicts = result.fetchall() if result is not None else None
if as_dict:
models = {}
if model_dicts is not None:
for raw in model_dicts:
if raw[0] == -1:
models[raw[cls.id_attr]] = cls(dict(raw)) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args
return models
models = []
if model_dicts is not None:
for raw in model_dicts:
if raw[0] == -1:
models.append(cls(dict(raw))) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args
return models
def update(cls, model):
Performs an UPDATE <values> WHERE id = model_id query
:param model: instance
:param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id'). Matches to column
:return: model instance
if model._has_timestamps: # pylint: disable=protected-access
model.modified_at =
connection = cls._open_connection()
table = cls.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata)
statement = table.update().where(table.c[cls.id_attr] ==**model.to_dict())
return model
def destroy(cls, model_id):
Performs a DELETE WHERE id = model_id query
:param model_id: id only
:param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id'). Matches to column
:return: None
connection = cls._open_connection()
table = cls.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata)
statement = table.delete().where(table.c[cls.id_attr] == model_id)
def run_statement(cls, statement):
Performs any statement given. Note that timestamps are
NOT updated here nor are Layers called
:param statement: can be created like the following:
table = self.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata)
statement = table.delete().where(...)
:return: all rows of result set
connection = cls._open_connection()
result = connection.execute(statement)
results = result.fetchall() if result is not None else None
return results
def _convert_comparator(cls, statement, table, field, expressions):
Converts expressions like [('>', 5)] into x > 5 in a SQLAlchemy statement
:param statement: statement to build upon
:param expressions: an array of couples, the first being the comparator
[(comparator, value})
comparators should be strings
:return: statement built
for expression in expressions:
if len(expression) != 2:
raise ValueError('DB Expressions should only have 1 comparator and 1 value')
if expression[0] == '=':
statement = statement.where(table.c[field] == expression[1])
elif expression[0] == '!=':
statement = statement.where(table.c[field] != expression[1])
elif expression[0] == '>=':
statement = statement.where(table.c[field] >= expression[1])
elif expression[0] == '<=':
statement = statement.where(table.c[field] <= expression[1])
elif expression[0] == '>':
statement = statement.where(table.c[field] > expression[1])
elif expression[0] == '<':
statement = statement.where(table.c[field] < expression[1])
elif expression[0] == 'like':
statement = statement.where(table.c[field].like(expression[1]))
raise NotImplementedError('Invalid comparator given in DB Expression')
return statement
def database_setup(config)
This statically configures the ORM and database schema :param config: dict :return: None
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def database_setup(config): """ This statically configures the ORM and database schema :param config: dict :return: None """ DatabaseRepository.engine = create_engine(config['DB_URL'], echo=False) DatabaseRepository.url = config['DB_URL'] DatabaseRepository.metadata = MetaData(DatabaseRepository.engine) for model in database_models: model.table(metadata=DatabaseRepository.metadata) DatabaseRepository.metadata.create_all()
class DatabaseRepository (has_timestamps=True)
A SQL implementation of the Repository class
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class DatabaseRepository(Repository, HasValidation): """ A SQL implementation of the Repository class """ url: str metadata: MetaData engine: Engine def __init__(self, has_timestamps=True): Repository.__init__(self) self._has_timestamps = has_timestamps if has_timestamps and not getattr(self, 'created_at', None): self.created_at = if has_timestamps and not getattr(self, 'modified_at', None): self.modified_at = @classmethod def _open_connection(cls): """ Used by CRUD methods. This opens a connection with the database :return: connection instance """ return DatabaseRepository.engine.connect() @abstractmethod def to_dict(self): """ Used by CRUD methods. The model needs to define what is to be stored in the database :return: dict """ raise NotImplementedError @classmethod @abstractmethod def table(cls, metadata=MetaData()) -> Table: """ Table definition for the Repository WARNING: The id field must be named 'id' :param metadata: sqlalchemy MetaData object :return: sqlalchemy Table object """ raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def create(cls, model): """ Performs an INSERT :param model: instance :param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id'). Matches to column :return: model instance """ cls.on_create(model) connection = cls._open_connection() statement = cls.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata).insert().values(**model.to_dict()) result = connection.execute(statement) setattr(model, cls.id_attr, result.inserted_primary_key[0]) connection.close() inserted =, cls.id_attr)) return inserted @classmethod def read(cls, model_id): """ Performs a SELECT * WHERE id = model_id given :param model_id: ID of model :param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id'). Matches to column :return: model """ connection = cls._open_connection() table = cls.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata) statement = select([table]).where(table.c[cls.id_attr] == model_id) result = connection.execute(statement) # Converts the result proxy into a dictionary and an array of values only # data, values = {}, [] data = {} rowcount = 0 for rowproxy in result: # rowproxy.items() returns an array like [(key0, value0), (key1, value1)] for column, value in rowproxy.items(): # build up the dictionary data = {**data, **{column: value}} # values.append(data) rowcount += 1 if rowcount > 0: model = cls(data) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args else: model = None connection.close() cls.after_read(model) return model @classmethod def read_by(cls, filters=None, as_dict=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Performs a SELECT * WHERE filterKey (=) filterValue given :param filters: dictionary of fields and their filters Example: filters = { 'first_name': 'john_doe', # first_name = 'john_doe' 'age': [('>', 5)], # age > 5 'number_of_corn': [('>=', 5), ('<', 10)] # 5 >= number_of_corn < 10 } :param as_dict: Return results as dictionary with the `id_attr` as the key :return: all rows that fit filter criteria """ if filters is None: return cls.read_all() connection = cls._open_connection() table = cls.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata) statement = select([table]) for column, value in filters.items(): if isinstance(value, list): statement = DatabaseRepository._convert_comparator(statement, table, column, value) else: statement = statement.where(table.c[column] == value) result = connection.execute(statement) model_dicts = result.fetchall() if result is not None else None connection.close() if as_dict: models = {} if model_dicts is not None: for raw in model_dicts: models[raw[cls.id_attr]] = cls(dict(raw)) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args cls.after_read_many(models_read=models.values()) return models models = [] if model_dicts is not None: for raw in model_dicts: models.append(cls(dict(raw))) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args cls.after_read_many(models_read=models) return models @classmethod def read_all(cls, as_dict=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Performs a SELECT * on the entire table :param as_dict: Return results as dictionary with the `id_attr` as the key :return: all rows """ connection = cls._open_connection() table = cls.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata) statement = select([table]) result = connection.execute(statement) model_dicts = result.fetchall() if result is not None else None connection.close() if as_dict: models = {} if model_dicts is not None: for raw in model_dicts: if raw[0] == -1: continue models[raw[cls.id_attr]] = cls(dict(raw)) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args cls.after_read_many(models_read=models.values()) return models models = [] if model_dicts is not None: for raw in model_dicts: if raw[0] == -1: continue models.append(cls(dict(raw))) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args cls.after_read_many(models_read=models) return models @classmethod def update(cls, model): """ Performs an UPDATE <values> WHERE id = model_id query :param model: instance :param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id'). Matches to column :return: model instance """ cls.on_update(model) if model._has_timestamps: # pylint: disable=protected-access model.modified_at = connection = cls._open_connection() table = cls.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata) statement = table.update().where(table.c[cls.id_attr] ==**model.to_dict()) connection.execute(statement) connection.close() return model @classmethod def destroy(cls, model_id): """ Performs a DELETE WHERE id = model_id query :param model_id: id only :param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id'). Matches to column :return: None """ cls.on_destroy(model_id) connection = cls._open_connection() table = cls.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata) statement = table.delete().where(table.c[cls.id_attr] == model_id) connection.execute(statement) connection.close() @classmethod def run_statement(cls, statement): """ Performs any statement given. Note that timestamps are NOT updated here nor are Layers called :param statement: can be created like the following: table = self.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata) statement = table.delete().where(...) :return: all rows of result set """ connection = cls._open_connection() result = connection.execute(statement) results = result.fetchall() if result is not None else None connection.close() return results @classmethod def _convert_comparator(cls, statement, table, field, expressions): """ Converts expressions like [('>', 5)] into x > 5 in a SQLAlchemy statement :param statement: statement to build upon :param expressions: an array of couples, the first being the comparator [(comparator, value}) comparators should be strings :return: statement built """ for expression in expressions: if len(expression) != 2: raise ValueError('DB Expressions should only have 1 comparator and 1 value') if expression[0] == '=': statement = statement.where(table.c[field] == expression[1]) elif expression[0] == '!=': statement = statement.where(table.c[field] != expression[1]) elif expression[0] == '>=': statement = statement.where(table.c[field] >= expression[1]) elif expression[0] == '<=': statement = statement.where(table.c[field] <= expression[1]) elif expression[0] == '>': statement = statement.where(table.c[field] > expression[1]) elif expression[0] == '<': statement = statement.where(table.c[field] < expression[1]) elif expression[0] == 'like': statement = statement.where(table.c[field].like(expression[1])) else: raise NotImplementedError('Invalid comparator given in DB Expression') return statement
Class variables
var engine : sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine
var metadata : sqlalchemy.sql.schema.MetaData
var url : str
Static methods
def create(model)
Performs an INSERT
:param model: instance :param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id'). Matches to column :return: model instance
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@classmethod def create(cls, model): """ Performs an INSERT :param model: instance :param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id'). Matches to column :return: model instance """ cls.on_create(model) connection = cls._open_connection() statement = cls.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata).insert().values(**model.to_dict()) result = connection.execute(statement) setattr(model, cls.id_attr, result.inserted_primary_key[0]) connection.close() inserted =, cls.id_attr)) return inserted
def destroy(model_id)
Performs a DELETE WHERE id = model_id query
:param model_id: id only :param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id'). Matches to column :return: None
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@classmethod def destroy(cls, model_id): """ Performs a DELETE WHERE id = model_id query :param model_id: id only :param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id'). Matches to column :return: None """ cls.on_destroy(model_id) connection = cls._open_connection() table = cls.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata) statement = table.delete().where(table.c[cls.id_attr] == model_id) connection.execute(statement) connection.close()
def read(model_id)
Performs a SELECT * WHERE id = model_id given
:param model_id: ID of model :param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id'). Matches to column :return: model
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@classmethod def read(cls, model_id): """ Performs a SELECT * WHERE id = model_id given :param model_id: ID of model :param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id'). Matches to column :return: model """ connection = cls._open_connection() table = cls.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata) statement = select([table]).where(table.c[cls.id_attr] == model_id) result = connection.execute(statement) # Converts the result proxy into a dictionary and an array of values only # data, values = {}, [] data = {} rowcount = 0 for rowproxy in result: # rowproxy.items() returns an array like [(key0, value0), (key1, value1)] for column, value in rowproxy.items(): # build up the dictionary data = {**data, **{column: value}} # values.append(data) rowcount += 1 if rowcount > 0: model = cls(data) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args else: model = None connection.close() cls.after_read(model) return model
def read_all(as_dict=False)
Performs a SELECT * on the entire table
:param as_dict: Return results as dictionary with the
as the key :return: all rowsExpand source code
@classmethod def read_all(cls, as_dict=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Performs a SELECT * on the entire table :param as_dict: Return results as dictionary with the `id_attr` as the key :return: all rows """ connection = cls._open_connection() table = cls.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata) statement = select([table]) result = connection.execute(statement) model_dicts = result.fetchall() if result is not None else None connection.close() if as_dict: models = {} if model_dicts is not None: for raw in model_dicts: if raw[0] == -1: continue models[raw[cls.id_attr]] = cls(dict(raw)) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args cls.after_read_many(models_read=models.values()) return models models = [] if model_dicts is not None: for raw in model_dicts: if raw[0] == -1: continue models.append(cls(dict(raw))) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args cls.after_read_many(models_read=models) return models
def read_by(filters=None, as_dict=False)
Performs a SELECT * WHERE filterKey (=) filterValue given
:param filters: dictionary of fields and their filters Example: filters = { 'first_name': 'john_doe', # first_name = 'john_doe' 'age': [('>', 5)], # age > 5 'number_of_corn': [('>=', 5), ('<', 10)] # 5 >= number_of_corn < 10 } :param as_dict: Return results as dictionary with the
as the key :return: all rows that fit filter criteriaExpand source code
@classmethod def read_by(cls, filters=None, as_dict=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Performs a SELECT * WHERE filterKey (=) filterValue given :param filters: dictionary of fields and their filters Example: filters = { 'first_name': 'john_doe', # first_name = 'john_doe' 'age': [('>', 5)], # age > 5 'number_of_corn': [('>=', 5), ('<', 10)] # 5 >= number_of_corn < 10 } :param as_dict: Return results as dictionary with the `id_attr` as the key :return: all rows that fit filter criteria """ if filters is None: return cls.read_all() connection = cls._open_connection() table = cls.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata) statement = select([table]) for column, value in filters.items(): if isinstance(value, list): statement = DatabaseRepository._convert_comparator(statement, table, column, value) else: statement = statement.where(table.c[column] == value) result = connection.execute(statement) model_dicts = result.fetchall() if result is not None else None connection.close() if as_dict: models = {} if model_dicts is not None: for raw in model_dicts: models[raw[cls.id_attr]] = cls(dict(raw)) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args cls.after_read_many(models_read=models.values()) return models models = [] if model_dicts is not None: for raw in model_dicts: models.append(cls(dict(raw))) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args cls.after_read_many(models_read=models) return models
def run_statement(statement)
Performs any statement given. Note that timestamps are NOT updated here nor are Layers called
:param statement: can be created like the following: table = self.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata) statement = table.delete().where(…) :return: all rows of result set
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@classmethod def run_statement(cls, statement): """ Performs any statement given. Note that timestamps are NOT updated here nor are Layers called :param statement: can be created like the following: table = self.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata) statement = table.delete().where(...) :return: all rows of result set """ connection = cls._open_connection() result = connection.execute(statement) results = result.fetchall() if result is not None else None connection.close() return results
def table(metadata=MetaData(bind=None)) ‑> sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Table
Table definition for the Repository
WARNING: The id field must be named 'id'
:param metadata: sqlalchemy MetaData object :return: sqlalchemy Table object
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@classmethod @abstractmethod def table(cls, metadata=MetaData()) -> Table: """ Table definition for the Repository WARNING: The id field must be named 'id' :param metadata: sqlalchemy MetaData object :return: sqlalchemy Table object """ raise NotImplementedError
def update(model)
Performs an UPDATE
WHERE id = model_id query :param model: instance :param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id'). Matches to column :return: model instance
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@classmethod def update(cls, model): """ Performs an UPDATE <values> WHERE id = model_id query :param model: instance :param id_attr: Optional. Name of ID attribute (default is 'id'). Matches to column :return: model instance """ cls.on_update(model) if model._has_timestamps: # pylint: disable=protected-access model.modified_at = connection = cls._open_connection() table = cls.table(DatabaseRepository.metadata) statement = table.update().where(table.c[cls.id_attr] ==**model.to_dict()) connection.execute(statement) connection.close() return model
def to_dict(self)
Used by CRUD methods. The model needs to define what is to be stored in the database :return: dict
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@abstractmethod def to_dict(self): """ Used by CRUD methods. The model needs to define what is to be stored in the database :return: dict """ raise NotImplementedError
Inherited members