Module lib.model.employee
Employee Data Model
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Employee Data Model
import datetime
from abc import abstractmethod
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column, String, \
DateTime, Float, Integer, Text, Date, BigInteger
from lib.model import DynamicViewModel, HasRelationships, register_database_model
from lib.model.receipt import Receipt
from lib.model.timesheet import TimeSheet
from lib.repository.db import DatabaseRepository
from lib.utils import sha_hash, date_converter
@register_database_model # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
class Employee(DatabaseRepository, DynamicViewModel, HasRelationships):
Tied directly to the 'employee' table
resource_uri = 'employee'
field_validators = {
'id': 'numeric',
# 'role': 'role',
'last_name': 'alpha',
'first_name': 'alpha',
'state': 'state_code',
'classification_id': lambda idx: bool(classifications[idx - 1]),
'paymethod_id': lambda idx: bool(pay_methods[idx - 1]),
field_optional_validators = {
'social_security_number': 'ssn',
'email': 'email',
'phone_number': 'phone',
'emergency_contact_name': 'alpha',
'emergency_contact_phone': 'phone',
'salary': 'numeric',
'hourly_rate': 'numeric',
'commission_rate': 'numeric',
'bank_routing': 'bank_routing',
'bank_account': 'numeric',
view_columns = {
'id': 'ID',
'role': 'Role',
'first_name': 'First Name',
'last_name': 'Last Name',
'social_security_number': 'SSN',
'start_date': 'Start Date',
'date_of_birth': 'DOB',
'sex': 'Sex',
'address_line1': 'Address',
'address_line2': 'Apt, PO Box, etc.',
'city': 'City',
'state': 'State',
'zipcode': 'Postal Code',
'email': 'Email',
'phone_number': 'Phone Number',
'emergency_contact_name': 'Emergency Contact',
'emergency_contact_relation': 'Emergency Contact Relation',
'emergency_contact_phone': 'Emergency Contact Phone',
'classification': 'Classification',
'payment_method': 'Payment Method',
'salary': 'Salary',
'hourly_rate': 'Hourly Rate',
'commission_rate': 'Commission Rate',
'bank_routing': 'Bank Rounting',
'bank_account': 'Bank Account',
# 'timesheet': 'Timesheet',
'date_left': 'Date Left',
'notes': 'Notes',
field_casts = {
'id': lambda s: int(s), # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
'salary': lambda s: float(s) if s is not None and s != 'None' else None, # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
'hourly_rate': lambda s: float(s) if s is not None and s != 'None' else None, # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
'commission_rate': lambda s: float(s) if s is not None and s != 'None' else None, # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
'start_date': lambda d: date_converter(d), # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
'date_of_birth': lambda d: date_converter(d), # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
'date_left': lambda d: date_converter(d) # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
def __init__(self, data):
DynamicViewModel.__init__(self, data)
def to_dict(self):
return self.trim_relationships(DynamicViewModel.to_dict(self))
def load_relationships(self):
self.classification = Classification.from_enum(self.classification_id)
self.payment_method = PaymentMethod.from_enum(self.paymethod_id)
def relationship_fields(self):
return [
def get_name(self):
Returns the Employee first and last name
:return: str
return f"{self.first_name} {self.last_name}"
def get_balance(self):
Gets amount owed to employee. Ran during payroll
:return: balance float
if ==
return self.classification.issue_payment(, self.hourly_rate)
if ==
return self.classification.issue_payment(self.salary)
if ==
return self.classification.issue_payment(, self.salary, self.commission_rate)
return 0
def get_payment_method(self):
Returns info for payment method
:return: list
return self.payment_method.issue(self)
def update_password(self, new_password: str):
Updates password
:param new_password: plaintext password
:return: None
self.password = sha_hash(new_password) # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.first_name} {self.last_name}"
def new_empty(cls):
return Employee({
'password': '',
'role': 'Viewer',
'first_name': 'required',
'last_name': 'required',
'user_group_id': 0,
'sex': 'Not Set',
'address_line1': 'required',
'city': 'required',
'state': 'INVALID',
'zipcode': 'required',
'classification_id': 0,
'paymethod_id': 0
def from_view_model(cls, view_model: dict):
if view_model[cls.view_columns['id']]:
employee =[cls.view_columns['id']]))
employee = Employee.new_empty()
for key, value in cls.view_columns.items():
if value in view_model and key != 'id':
if view_model[value]:
view_model[value] = view_model[value].strip()
if view_model[value] == '' or view_model[value] == 'None':
view_model[value] = None
setattr(employee, key, view_model[value])
employee.classification = Classification.to_enum_from_name( # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
employee.classification_id = employee.classification.get_id() # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
employee.payment_method = PaymentMethod.to_enum_from_name( # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
employee.paymethod_id = employee.payment_method.get_id() # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
return employee
def authenticate(cls, username, password):
Authenticates an employee as a user
:param username: str
:param password: str
:return: Employee
employees = Employee.read_by(filters={
'id': int(username)
if len(employees) < 1:
return None
employee = employees[0]
if sha_hash(password) == employee.password:
return employee
return None
def table(cls, metadata=MetaData()):
return Table(cls.resource_uri, metadata,
Column('id', BigInteger().with_variant(Integer, "sqlite"), primary_key=True),
Column('password', String(255)),
Column('social_security_number', String(12)),
Column('user_group_id', Integer),
Column('department_id', Integer),
Column('role', String(64)),
Column('last_name', String(64)),
Column('first_name', String(64)),
Column('start_date', Date),
Column('date_of_birth', Date),
Column('sex', String(16)),
Column('address_line1', String(128)),
Column('address_line2', String(128), nullable=True),
Column('city', String(45)),
Column('state', String(45)),
Column('zipcode', String(16)),
Column('email', String(45), nullable=True),
Column('phone_number', String(45), nullable=True),
Column('emergency_contact_name', String(45), nullable=True),
Column('emergency_contact_relation', String(45), nullable=True),
Column('emergency_contact_phone', String(45), nullable=True),
Column('classification_id', Integer),
Column('paymethod_id', Integer),
Column('salary', Float, nullable=True),
Column('hourly_rate', Float, nullable=True),
Column('commission_rate', Float, nullable=True),
Column('bank_routing', String(32), nullable=True),
Column('bank_account', String(32), nullable=True),
Column('timesheet', Float, nullable=True),
Column('created_at', DateTime),
Column('modified_at', DateTime),
Column('date_left', Date, nullable=True),
Column('notes', Text, nullable=True),
classifications = []
pay_methods = []
classifications_dict = {}
pay_methods_dict = {}
def register_classification(cls):
Decorator that adds classification to the global registry
:param cls: class
:return: Class
classifications_dict[] = {
'class': cls,
'id': len(classifications)
return cls
def register_payment_method(cls):
Decorator that adds payment method to the global registry
:param cls: class
:return: Class
pay_methods_dict[] = {
'class': cls,
'id': len(pay_methods)
return cls
class Classification:
Abstract class of Employee classification
Creates the abstract issue payment method which is used for all employee classifications
name: str = ''
def issue_payment(self, *args):
Abstract Method to issue payments
raise NotImplementedError
def __str__(self):
def from_enum(cls, index):
Converts from the Classification ID to the classification instance
:param index: int
:return: class instance
return classifications[index - 1]()
def to_enum(cls, clz):
Converts from the classification instance to an ID
:param clz: class instance
:return: int
return classifications[classifications_dict[]['id']]
def to_enum_from_name(cls, name):
Converts from the classification class to the name
:param clz: class
:return: str
return classifications[classifications_dict[name]['id'] - 1]
def get_id(cls):
Gets the registered ID
:return: ID int
return classifications_dict[]['id']
class Hourly(Classification):
Class for hourly employee, inherits from classification to use abstract issue payment method
name = 'Hourly'
def issue_payment(self, employee_id, hourly_rate): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
This method issues payment to hourly classification
:returns: money paid to hourly employee
money = 0
timesheets = TimeSheet.read_by({
'user_id': employee_id,
'paid': False
total = sum([timesheet.to_hours() for timesheet in timesheets])
money += hourly_rate * total
for timesheet in timesheets:
timesheet.paid = True
return money
class Salaried(Classification):
Class for salary employee, inherits from classification to use abstract issue payment method
name = 'Salary'
def issue_payment(self, salary): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
This method issues salaried employee payment
:return: Returns Bimonthly payment(float)
return float(salary) / 24
class Commissioned(Classification):
Class for hourly employee, inherits from classification to use abstract issue payment method
name = 'Commission'
def issue_payment(self, employee_id, salary, commission): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
This method issues payment to commission class employee
:param commission:
:param salary:
:return: money paid to employee
money = salary / 24
receipts = Receipt.read_by({
'user_id': employee_id,
'paid': False
total = sum([receipt.amount for receipt in receipts])
money += total * (commission / 100)
for receipt in receipts:
receipt.paid = True
return money
class PaymentMethod:
Abstract payment class, allows for each employee to have a payment method that can be issued
name: str = ''
def issue(self, employee: Employee):
Abstract method for issuing payments
raise NotImplementedError
def from_enum(cls, index):
Converts from ID to class instance
:param index: int
:return: class instance
return pay_methods[index - 1]()
def to_enum(cls, clz):
Converts from class to ID
:param clz: instance
:return: id int
return pay_methods[pay_methods_dict[]['id']]
def to_enum_from_name(cls, name):
Converts from name to ID
:param name: str
:return: id int
return pay_methods[pay_methods_dict[name]['id'] - 1]
def get_id(cls):
Gets ID from current class
:return: id int
return pay_methods_dict[]['id']
def __str__(self):
class DirectMethod(PaymentMethod):
Direct method payment class, inherits from PaymentMethod to use abstract issue method
name = 'Direct Deposit'
def issue(self, employee):
This method prints out the direct payment method issued payment being mailed to employee
return [
class MailMethod(PaymentMethod):
Direct method payment class, inherits from PaymentMethod to use abstract issue method
name = 'Mail'
def issue(self, employee):
This method prints out the mailed payment method issued payment being mailed to employee
return [
def register_classification(cls)
Decorator that adds classification to the global registry :param cls: class :return: Class
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def register_classification(cls): """ Decorator that adds classification to the global registry :param cls: class :return: Class """ classifications.append(cls) classifications_dict[] = { 'class': cls, 'id': len(classifications) } return cls
def register_payment_method(cls)
Decorator that adds payment method to the global registry :param cls: class :return: Class
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def register_payment_method(cls): """ Decorator that adds payment method to the global registry :param cls: class :return: Class """ pay_methods.append(cls) pay_methods_dict[] = { 'class': cls, 'id': len(pay_methods) } return cls
class Classification
Abstract class of Employee classification
Creates the abstract issue payment method which is used for all employee classifications
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class Classification: """ Abstract class of Employee classification Creates the abstract issue payment method which is used for all employee classifications """ name: str = '' @abstractmethod def issue_payment(self, *args): """ Abstract Method to issue payments """ raise NotImplementedError def __str__(self): return @classmethod def from_enum(cls, index): """ Converts from the Classification ID to the classification instance :param index: int :return: class instance """ return classifications[index - 1]() @classmethod def to_enum(cls, clz): """ Converts from the classification instance to an ID :param clz: class instance :return: int """ return classifications[classifications_dict[]['id']] @classmethod def to_enum_from_name(cls, name): """ Converts from the classification class to the name :param clz: class :return: str """ return classifications[classifications_dict[name]['id'] - 1] @classmethod def get_id(cls): """ Gets the registered ID :return: ID int """ return classifications_dict[]['id']
Class variables
var name : str
Static methods
def from_enum(index)
Converts from the Classification ID to the classification instance :param index: int :return: class instance
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@classmethod def from_enum(cls, index): """ Converts from the Classification ID to the classification instance :param index: int :return: class instance """ return classifications[index - 1]()
def get_id()
Gets the registered ID :return: ID int
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@classmethod def get_id(cls): """ Gets the registered ID :return: ID int """ return classifications_dict[]['id']
def to_enum(clz)
Converts from the classification instance to an ID :param clz: class instance :return: int
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@classmethod def to_enum(cls, clz): """ Converts from the classification instance to an ID :param clz: class instance :return: int """ return classifications[classifications_dict[]['id']]
def to_enum_from_name(name)
Converts from the classification class to the name :param clz: class :return: str
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@classmethod def to_enum_from_name(cls, name): """ Converts from the classification class to the name :param clz: class :return: str """ return classifications[classifications_dict[name]['id'] - 1]
def issue_payment(self, *args)
Abstract Method to issue payments
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@abstractmethod def issue_payment(self, *args): """ Abstract Method to issue payments """ raise NotImplementedError
class Commissioned
Class for hourly employee, inherits from classification to use abstract issue payment method
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class Commissioned(Classification): """ Class for hourly employee, inherits from classification to use abstract issue payment method """ name = 'Commission' def issue_payment(self, employee_id, salary, commission): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ This method issues payment to commission class employee :param commission: :param salary: :return: money paid to employee """ money = salary / 24 receipts = Receipt.read_by({ 'user_id': employee_id, 'paid': False }) total = sum([receipt.amount for receipt in receipts]) money += total * (commission / 100) for receipt in receipts: receipt.paid = True Receipt.update(receipt) return money
Class variables
var name : str
def issue_payment(self, employee_id, salary, commission)
This method issues payment to commission class employee :param commission: :param salary: :return: money paid to employee
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def issue_payment(self, employee_id, salary, commission): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ This method issues payment to commission class employee :param commission: :param salary: :return: money paid to employee """ money = salary / 24 receipts = Receipt.read_by({ 'user_id': employee_id, 'paid': False }) total = sum([receipt.amount for receipt in receipts]) money += total * (commission / 100) for receipt in receipts: receipt.paid = True Receipt.update(receipt) return money
Inherited members
class DirectMethod
Direct method payment class, inherits from PaymentMethod to use abstract issue method
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class DirectMethod(PaymentMethod): """ Direct method payment class, inherits from PaymentMethod to use abstract issue method """ name = 'Direct Deposit' def issue(self, employee): """ This method prints out the direct payment method issued payment being mailed to employee """ return [ employee.classification.issue_payment(), employee.first_name, employee.last_name, employee.bank_account, employee.bank_routing ]
Class variables
var name : str
def issue(self, employee)
This method prints out the direct payment method issued payment being mailed to employee
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def issue(self, employee): """ This method prints out the direct payment method issued payment being mailed to employee """ return [ employee.classification.issue_payment(), employee.first_name, employee.last_name, employee.bank_account, employee.bank_routing ]
Inherited members
class Employee (data)
Tied directly to the 'employee' table
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class Employee(DatabaseRepository, DynamicViewModel, HasRelationships): """ Tied directly to the 'employee' table """ resource_uri = 'employee' field_validators = { 'id': 'numeric', # 'role': 'role', 'last_name': 'alpha', 'first_name': 'alpha', 'state': 'state_code', 'classification_id': lambda idx: bool(classifications[idx - 1]), 'paymethod_id': lambda idx: bool(pay_methods[idx - 1]), } field_optional_validators = { 'social_security_number': 'ssn', 'email': 'email', 'phone_number': 'phone', 'emergency_contact_name': 'alpha', 'emergency_contact_phone': 'phone', 'salary': 'numeric', 'hourly_rate': 'numeric', 'commission_rate': 'numeric', 'bank_routing': 'bank_routing', 'bank_account': 'numeric', } view_columns = { 'id': 'ID', 'role': 'Role', 'first_name': 'First Name', 'last_name': 'Last Name', 'social_security_number': 'SSN', 'start_date': 'Start Date', 'date_of_birth': 'DOB', 'sex': 'Sex', 'address_line1': 'Address', 'address_line2': 'Apt, PO Box, etc.', 'city': 'City', 'state': 'State', 'zipcode': 'Postal Code', 'email': 'Email', 'phone_number': 'Phone Number', 'emergency_contact_name': 'Emergency Contact', 'emergency_contact_relation': 'Emergency Contact Relation', 'emergency_contact_phone': 'Emergency Contact Phone', 'classification': 'Classification', 'payment_method': 'Payment Method', 'salary': 'Salary', 'hourly_rate': 'Hourly Rate', 'commission_rate': 'Commission Rate', 'bank_routing': 'Bank Rounting', 'bank_account': 'Bank Account', # 'timesheet': 'Timesheet', 'date_left': 'Date Left', 'notes': 'Notes', } field_casts = { 'id': lambda s: int(s), # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda 'salary': lambda s: float(s) if s is not None and s != 'None' else None, # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda 'hourly_rate': lambda s: float(s) if s is not None and s != 'None' else None, # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda 'commission_rate': lambda s: float(s) if s is not None and s != 'None' else None, # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda 'start_date': lambda d: date_converter(d), # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda 'date_of_birth': lambda d: date_converter(d), # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda 'date_left': lambda d: date_converter(d) # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda } def __init__(self, data): DynamicViewModel.__init__(self, data) DatabaseRepository.__init__(self) self.load_relationships() def to_dict(self): return self.trim_relationships(DynamicViewModel.to_dict(self)) def load_relationships(self): self.classification = Classification.from_enum(self.classification_id) self.payment_method = PaymentMethod.from_enum(self.paymethod_id) def relationship_fields(self): return [ 'classification', 'payment_method' ] def get_name(self): """ Returns the Employee first and last name :return: str """ return f"{self.first_name} {self.last_name}" def get_balance(self): """ Gets amount owed to employee. Ran during payroll :return: balance float """ if == return self.classification.issue_payment(, self.hourly_rate) if == return self.classification.issue_payment(self.salary) if == return self.classification.issue_payment(, self.salary, self.commission_rate) return 0 def get_payment_method(self): """ Returns info for payment method :return: list """ return self.payment_method.issue(self) def update_password(self, new_password: str): """ Updates password :param new_password: plaintext password :return: None """ self.password = sha_hash(new_password) # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init Employee.update(self) def __str__(self): return f"{self.first_name} {self.last_name}" @classmethod def new_empty(cls): return Employee({ 'password': '', 'role': 'Viewer', 'first_name': 'required', 'last_name': 'required', 'user_group_id': 0, 'start_date':, 'date_of_birth':, 'sex': 'Not Set', 'address_line1': 'required', 'city': 'required', 'state': 'INVALID', 'zipcode': 'required', 'classification_id': 0, 'paymethod_id': 0 }) @classmethod def from_view_model(cls, view_model: dict): if view_model[cls.view_columns['id']]: employee =[cls.view_columns['id']])) else: employee = Employee.new_empty() for key, value in cls.view_columns.items(): if value in view_model and key != 'id': if view_model[value]: view_model[value] = view_model[value].strip() if view_model[value] == '' or view_model[value] == 'None': view_model[value] = None setattr(employee, key, view_model[value]) employee.cast_fields() employee.classification = Classification.to_enum_from_name( # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init employee.classification) employee.classification_id = employee.classification.get_id() # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init employee.payment_method = PaymentMethod.to_enum_from_name( # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init employee.payment_method) employee.paymethod_id = employee.payment_method.get_id() # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init return employee @classmethod def authenticate(cls, username, password): """ Authenticates an employee as a user :param username: str :param password: str :return: Employee """ employees = Employee.read_by(filters={ 'id': int(username) }) if len(employees) < 1: return None employee = employees[0] if sha_hash(password) == employee.password: return employee return None @classmethod def table(cls, metadata=MetaData()): return Table(cls.resource_uri, metadata, Column('id', BigInteger().with_variant(Integer, "sqlite"), primary_key=True), Column('password', String(255)), Column('social_security_number', String(12)), Column('user_group_id', Integer), Column('department_id', Integer), Column('role', String(64)), Column('last_name', String(64)), Column('first_name', String(64)), Column('start_date', Date), Column('date_of_birth', Date), Column('sex', String(16)), Column('address_line1', String(128)), Column('address_line2', String(128), nullable=True), Column('city', String(45)), Column('state', String(45)), Column('zipcode', String(16)), Column('email', String(45), nullable=True), Column('phone_number', String(45), nullable=True), Column('emergency_contact_name', String(45), nullable=True), Column('emergency_contact_relation', String(45), nullable=True), Column('emergency_contact_phone', String(45), nullable=True), Column('classification_id', Integer), Column('paymethod_id', Integer), Column('salary', Float, nullable=True), Column('hourly_rate', Float, nullable=True), Column('commission_rate', Float, nullable=True), Column('bank_routing', String(32), nullable=True), Column('bank_account', String(32), nullable=True), Column('timesheet', Float, nullable=True), Column('created_at', DateTime), Column('modified_at', DateTime), Column('date_left', Date, nullable=True), Column('notes', Text, nullable=True), extend_existing=True )
- DatabaseRepository
- Repository
- CanMutateData
- HasValidation
- DynamicViewModel
- DynamicModel
- abc.ABC
- HasRelationships
Class variables
var engine : sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine
var metadata : sqlalchemy.sql.schema.MetaData
var url : str
var view_columns : dict
Static methods
def authenticate(username, password)
Authenticates an employee as a user :param username: str :param password: str :return: Employee
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@classmethod def authenticate(cls, username, password): """ Authenticates an employee as a user :param username: str :param password: str :return: Employee """ employees = Employee.read_by(filters={ 'id': int(username) }) if len(employees) < 1: return None employee = employees[0] if sha_hash(password) == employee.password: return employee return None
def get_balance(self)
Gets amount owed to employee. Ran during payroll :return: balance float
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def get_balance(self): """ Gets amount owed to employee. Ran during payroll :return: balance float """ if == return self.classification.issue_payment(, self.hourly_rate) if == return self.classification.issue_payment(self.salary) if == return self.classification.issue_payment(, self.salary, self.commission_rate) return 0
def get_name(self)
Returns the Employee first and last name :return: str
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def get_name(self): """ Returns the Employee first and last name :return: str """ return f"{self.first_name} {self.last_name}"
def get_payment_method(self)
Returns info for payment method :return: list
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def get_payment_method(self): """ Returns info for payment method :return: list """ return self.payment_method.issue(self)
def update_password(self, new_password: str)
Updates password :param new_password: plaintext password :return: None
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def update_password(self, new_password: str): """ Updates password :param new_password: plaintext password :return: None """ self.password = sha_hash(new_password) # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init Employee.update(self)
Inherited members
class Hourly
Class for hourly employee, inherits from classification to use abstract issue payment method
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class Hourly(Classification): """ Class for hourly employee, inherits from classification to use abstract issue payment method """ name = 'Hourly' def issue_payment(self, employee_id, hourly_rate): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ This method issues payment to hourly classification :returns: money paid to hourly employee """ money = 0 timesheets = TimeSheet.read_by({ 'user_id': employee_id, 'paid': False }) total = sum([timesheet.to_hours() for timesheet in timesheets]) money += hourly_rate * total for timesheet in timesheets: timesheet.paid = True TimeSheet.update(timesheet) return money
Class variables
var name : str
def issue_payment(self, employee_id, hourly_rate)
This method issues payment to hourly classification :returns: money paid to hourly employee
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def issue_payment(self, employee_id, hourly_rate): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ This method issues payment to hourly classification :returns: money paid to hourly employee """ money = 0 timesheets = TimeSheet.read_by({ 'user_id': employee_id, 'paid': False }) total = sum([timesheet.to_hours() for timesheet in timesheets]) money += hourly_rate * total for timesheet in timesheets: timesheet.paid = True TimeSheet.update(timesheet) return money
Inherited members
class MailMethod
Direct method payment class, inherits from PaymentMethod to use abstract issue method
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class MailMethod(PaymentMethod): """ Direct method payment class, inherits from PaymentMethod to use abstract issue method """ name = 'Mail' def issue(self, employee): """ This method prints out the mailed payment method issued payment being mailed to employee """ return [ employee.classification.issue_payment(), employee.first_name, employee.last_name, employee.address_line1, employee.address_line2,, employee.state, employee.zipcode ]
Class variables
var name : str
def issue(self, employee)
This method prints out the mailed payment method issued payment being mailed to employee
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def issue(self, employee): """ This method prints out the mailed payment method issued payment being mailed to employee """ return [ employee.classification.issue_payment(), employee.first_name, employee.last_name, employee.address_line1, employee.address_line2,, employee.state, employee.zipcode ]
Inherited members
class PaymentMethod
Abstract payment class, allows for each employee to have a payment method that can be issued
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class PaymentMethod: """ Abstract payment class, allows for each employee to have a payment method that can be issued """ name: str = '' @abstractmethod def issue(self, employee: Employee): """ Abstract method for issuing payments """ raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def from_enum(cls, index): """ Converts from ID to class instance :param index: int :return: class instance """ return pay_methods[index - 1]() @classmethod def to_enum(cls, clz): """ Converts from class to ID :param clz: instance :return: id int """ return pay_methods[pay_methods_dict[]['id']] @classmethod def to_enum_from_name(cls, name): """ Converts from name to ID :param name: str :return: id int """ return pay_methods[pay_methods_dict[name]['id'] - 1] @classmethod def get_id(cls): """ Gets ID from current class :return: id int """ return pay_methods_dict[]['id'] def __str__(self): return
Class variables
var name : str
Static methods
def from_enum(index)
Converts from ID to class instance :param index: int :return: class instance
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@classmethod def from_enum(cls, index): """ Converts from ID to class instance :param index: int :return: class instance """ return pay_methods[index - 1]()
def get_id()
Gets ID from current class :return: id int
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@classmethod def get_id(cls): """ Gets ID from current class :return: id int """ return pay_methods_dict[]['id']
def to_enum(clz)
Converts from class to ID :param clz: instance :return: id int
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@classmethod def to_enum(cls, clz): """ Converts from class to ID :param clz: instance :return: id int """ return pay_methods[pay_methods_dict[]['id']]
def to_enum_from_name(name)
Converts from name to ID :param name: str :return: id int
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@classmethod def to_enum_from_name(cls, name): """ Converts from name to ID :param name: str :return: id int """ return pay_methods[pay_methods_dict[name]['id'] - 1]
def issue(self, employee: Employee)
Abstract method for issuing payments
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@abstractmethod def issue(self, employee: Employee): """ Abstract method for issuing payments """ raise NotImplementedError
class Salaried
Class for salary employee, inherits from classification to use abstract issue payment method
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class Salaried(Classification): """ Class for salary employee, inherits from classification to use abstract issue payment method """ name = 'Salary' def issue_payment(self, salary): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ This method issues salaried employee payment :return: Returns Bimonthly payment(float) """ return float(salary) / 24
Class variables
var name : str
def issue_payment(self, salary)
This method issues salaried employee payment :return: Returns Bimonthly payment(float)
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def issue_payment(self, salary): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ This method issues salaried employee payment :return: Returns Bimonthly payment(float) """ return float(salary) / 24
Inherited members